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Window documentation

Represents a single Window

    layout = None,
    default_element_size = None,
    default_button_element_size = (None, None),
    auto_size_text = None,
    auto_size_buttons = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    auto_save_location = False,
    size = (None, None),
    element_padding = None,
    margins = (None, None),
    button_color = None,
    font = None,
    progress_bar_color = (None, None),
    background_color = None,
    border_depth = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = 3,
    icon = None,
    force_toplevel = False,
    alpha_channel = None,
    return_keyboard_events = False,
    use_default_focus = True,
    text_justification = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    grab_anywhere_using_control = True,
    keep_on_top = None,
    resizable = False,
    disable_close = False,
    disable_minimize = False,
    right_click_menu = None,
    transparent_color = None,
    debugger_enabled = False,
    right_click_menu_background_color = None,
    right_click_menu_text_color = None,
    right_click_menu_disabled_text_color = None,
    right_click_menu_selected_colors = (None, None),
    right_click_menu_font = None,
    right_click_menu_tearoff = False,
    finalize = False,
    element_justification = "left",
    ttk_theme = None,
    use_ttk_buttons = None,
    modal = False,
    enable_close_attempted_event = False,
    enable_window_config_events = False,
    repeating_timer_ms = None,
    titlebar_background_color = None,
    titlebar_text_color = None,
    titlebar_font = None,
    titlebar_icon = None,
    use_custom_titlebar = None,
    scaling = None,
    sbar_trough_color = None,
    sbar_background_color = None,
    sbar_arrow_color = None,
    sbar_width = None,
    sbar_arrow_width = None,
    sbar_frame_color = None,
    sbar_relief = None,
    watermark = None,
    print_event_values = None,
    metadata = None

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
alpha_channel float None Sets the opacity of the window. 0 = invisible 1 = completely visible. Values bewteen 0 & 1 will produce semi-transparent windows in SOME environments (The Raspberry Pi always has this value at 1 and cannot change.
auto_close bool False If True, the window will automatically close itself
auto_close_duration int 3 Number of seconds to wait before closing the window
auto_save_location bool False If True the windows location will be automatically saved to a settings file and will be reloaded next time the program is run. Save happens when window close is detected
auto_size_buttons bool None True if Buttons in this Window should be sized to exactly fit the text on this.
auto_size_text bool None True if Elements in Window should be sized to exactly fir the length of text
background_color str None color of background
border_depth int None Default border depth (width) for all elements in the window
button_color (str, str) or str None Default button colors for all buttons in the window
debugger_enabled bool False If True then the internal debugger will be enabled. Also controllable via the global settings. If global settings is true then will be enabled for all windows
default_button_element_size (int, int) (None, None) (width, height) size in characters (wide) and rows (high) for all Button elements in this window
default_element_size (int, int) - (width, height) None size in characters (wide) and rows (high) for all elements in this window
disable_close bool False If True, the X button in the top right corner of the window will no work. Use with caution and always give a way out toyour users
disable_minimize bool False if True the user won't be able to minimize window. Good for taking over entire screen and staying that way.
element_justification str left All elements in the Window itself will have this justification 'left', 'right', 'center' are valid values
element_padding (int, int or (int, int),(int,int)) or int None Default amount of padding to put around elements in window (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)), or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
enable_close_attempted_event bool False If True then the window will not close when "X" clicked. Instead an event WINDOW_CLOSE_ATTEMPTED_EVENT if returned from window.read
enable_window_config_events bool False If True then window configuration events (resizing or moving the window) will return WINDOW_CONFIG_EVENT from window.read. Note you will get several when Window is created.
finalize bool False If True then the Finalize method will be called. Use this rather than chaining .Finalize for cleaner code
font (str or (str, int[, str]) or None) None specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
force_toplevel bool False If True will cause this window to skip the normal use of a hidden master window
grab_anywhere bool False If True can use mouse to click and drag to move the window. Almost every location of the window will work except input fields on some systems
grab_anywhere_using_control bool True If True can use CONTROL key + left mouse mouse to click and drag to move the window. DEFAULT is TRUE. Unlike normal grab anywhere, it works on all elements.
icon (str or bytes) None Can be either a filename or Base64 value. For Windows if filename, it MUST be ICO format. For Linux, must NOT be ICO. Most portable is to use a Base64 of a PNG file. This works universally across all OS's
keep_on_top bool None If True, window will be created on top of all other windows on screen. It can be bumped down if another window created with this parm
layout List[List[Element]] or Tuple[Tuple[Element]] None The layout for the window. Can also be specified in the Layout method
location (int, int or None, None) or None (None, None) (x,y) location, in pixels, to locate the upper left corner of the window on the screen. Default is to center on screen. None will not set any location meaning the OS will decide
margins (int, int) (None, None) (left/right, top/bottom) Amount of pixels to leave inside the window's frame around the edges before your elements are shown.
metadata Any None User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING
modal bool False If True then this window will be the only window a user can interact with until it is closed
no_titlebar bool False If true, no titlebar nor frame will be shown on window. This means you cannot minimize the window and it will not show up on the taskbar
print_event_values bool None If True then the event and values will be automatically printed when you call the window's read method. GREAT for debugging! Global setting also available to control this.
progress_bar_color (str, str) (None, None) (bar color, background color) Sets the default colors for all progress bars in the window
relative_location (int, int) (None, None) (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
repeating_timer_ms int None Causes a repeating timer to start when Window is created. The default EVENT_TIMER will be used for the timer event. Setting will cause window to be Finalized
resizable bool False If True, allows the user to resize the window. Note the not all Elements will change size or location when resizing.
return_keyboard_events bool False if True key presses on the keyboard will be returned as Events from Read calls
right_click_menu List[List[ List[str] or str ]] None A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
right_click_menu_background_color str None Background color for right click menus
right_click_menu_disabled_text_color str None Text color for disabled right click menu items
right_click_menu_font (str or (str, int[, str]) or None) None Font for right click menus
right_click_menu_selected_colors (str, str) or str or Tuple (None, None) Text AND background colors for a selected item. Can be a Tuple OR a color string. simplified-button-color-string "foreground on background". Can be a single color if want to set only the background. Normally a tuple, but can be a simplified-dual-color-string "foreground on background". Can be a single color if want to set only the background.
right_click_menu_tearoff bool False If True then all right click menus can be torn off
right_click_menu_text_color str None Text color for right click menus
sbar_arrow_color str None Scrollbar color of the arrow at the ends of the scrollbar (it looks like a button). Switches to background color when mouse is over
sbar_arrow_width int None Scrollbar width of the arrow on the scrollbar. It will potentially impact the overall width of the scrollbar
sbar_background_color str None Scrollbar color of the background of the arrow buttons at the ends AND the color of the "thumb" (the thing you grab and slide). Switches to arrow color when mouse is over
sbar_frame_color str None Scrollbar Color of frame around scrollbar (available only on some ttk themes)
sbar_relief str None Scrollbar relief that will be used for the "thumb" of the scrollbar (the thing you grab that slides). Should be a constant that is defined at starting with "RELIEF_" - RELIEF_RAISED, RELIEF_SUNKEN, RELIEF_FLAT, RELIEF_RIDGE, RELIEF_GROOVE, RELIEF_SOLID
sbar_trough_color str None Scrollbar color of the trough
sbar_width int None Scrollbar width in pixels
scaling float None Apply scaling to the elements in the window. Can be set on a global basis using set_options
size (int, int) (None, None) (width, height) size in pixels for this window. Normally the window is autosized to fit contents, not set to an absolute size by the user. Try not to set this value. You risk, the contents being cut off, etc. Let the layout determine the window size instead
text_justification 'left' or 'right' or 'center' None Default text justification for all Text Elements in window
title str The title that will be displayed in the Titlebar and on the Taskbar
titlebar_background_color (str or None) None If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as background color
titlebar_font (str or (str, int[, str]) or None) None If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as title font
titlebar_icon (bytes or str) None If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as the icon (file or base64 bytes)
titlebar_text_color (str or None) None If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as text color
transparent_color str None Any portion of the window that has this color will be completely transparent. You can even click through these spots to the window under this window.
ttk_theme str None Set the tkinter ttk "theme" of the window. Default = DEFAULT_TTK_THEME. Sets all ttk widgets to this theme as their default
use_custom_titlebar bool None If True, then a custom titlebar will be used instead of the normal titlebar
use_default_focus bool True If True will use the default focus algorithm to set the focus to the "Correct" element
use_ttk_buttons bool None Affects all buttons in window. True = use ttk buttons. False = do not use ttk buttons. None = use ttk buttons only if on a Mac
watermark bool None If True, then turns on watermarking temporarily for ALL windows created from this point forward. See global settings doc for more info

Class Properties



A property that changes the current alpha channel value (internal value)

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN float the current alpha channel setting according to self, not read directly from tkinter


Returns a dictionary with all keys and their corresponding elements { key : Element }

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN Dict[Any, Element] Dictionary of keys and elements


Metadata is available for all windows. You can set to any value.

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN Any the current metadata value


Return the current size of the window in pixels

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN Tuple[(int), (int)] or Tuple[None, None] (width, height) of the window

Class Methods

 def add_row
 def add_rows
 def bind
 def bring_to_front
 def close
 def current_location
 def current_size_accurate
 def ding
 def disable
 def disable_debugger
 def disappear
 def element_list
 def enable
 def enable_debugger
 def extend_layout
 def fill
 def finalize
 def find_element
 def find_element_with_focus
 def force_focus
 def get_scaling
 def get_screen_dimensions
 def get_screen_size
 def grab_any_where_off
 def grab_any_where_on
 def hide
 def is_closed
 def is_hidden
 def keep_on_top_clear
 def keep_on_top_set
 def key_is_good
 def last_location
 def layout
 def load_from_disk
 def make_modal
 def maximize
 def minimize
 def mouse_location
 def move
 def move_to_center
 def normal
 def perform_long_operation
 def read
 def reappear
 def refresh
 def save_to_disk
 def save_window_screenshot_to_disk
 def send_to_back
 def set_alpha
 def set_cursor
 def set_icon
 def set_min_size
 def set_resizable
 def set_size
 def set_title
 def set_transparent_color
 def settings_restore
 def settings_save
 def start_thread
 def timer_get_active_timers
 def timer_start
 def timer_stop
 def timer_stop_all
 def un_hide
 def unbind
 def visibility_changed
 def was_closed
 def widget_to_element
 def write_event_value


Adds a single row of elements to a window's self.Rows variables. Generally speaking this is NOT how users should be building Window layouts. Users, create a single layout (a list of lists) and pass as a parameter to Window object, or call Window.Layout(layout)

    args = *<1 or N objects>

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
*args List[Elements]


Loops through a list of lists of elements and adds each row, list, to the layout. This is NOT the best way to go about creating a window. Sending the entire layout at one time and passing it as a parameter to the Window call is better.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
rows List[List[Elements]] A list of a list of elements


Used to add tkinter events to a Window. The tkinter specific data is in the Window's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
bind_string str The string tkinter expected in its bind function
key str or int or tuple or object The event that will be generated when the tkinter event occurs
propagate bool True If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event


Brings this window to the top of all other windows (perhaps may not be brought before a window made to "stay on top")



Closes window. Users can safely call even if window has been destroyed. Should always call when done with a window so that resources are properly freed up within your thread.



Get the current location of the window's top left corner. Sometimes, depending on the environment, the value returned does not include the titlebar,etc A new option, more_accurate, can be used to get the theoretical upper leftmost corner of the window. The titlebar and menubar are crated by the OS. It gets really confusing when running in a webpage (repl, trinket) Thus, the values can appear top be "off" due to the sometimes unpredictable way the location is calculated. If without_titlebar is set then the location of the root x,y is used which should not include the titlebar but may be OS dependent.

    more_accurate = False,
    without_titlebar = False

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
more_accurate bool False If True, will use the window's geometry to get the topmost location with titlebar, menubar taken into account
without_titlebar bool False If True, return location of top left of main window area without the titlebar (may be OS dependent?)
RETURN Tuple[(int or None), (int or None)] The x and y location in tuple form (x,y)


Get the current location of the window based on tkinter's geometry setting


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN Tuple[(int or None), (int or None)] The x and y size in tuple form (x,y)


Make a "bell" sound. A capability provided by tkinter. Your window needs to be finalized prior to calling. Ring a display's bell is the tkinter description of the call.

    display_number = 0

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
display_number int 0 Passed to tkinter's bell method as parameter "displayof".


Disables window from taking any input from the user



Disable the internal debugger. By default the debugger is ENABLED



Causes a window to "disappear" from the screen, but remain on the taskbar. It does this by turning the alpha channel to 0. NOTE that on some platforms alpha is not supported. The window will remain showing on these platforms. The Raspberry Pi for example does not have an alpha setting



Returns a list of all elements in the window


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN List[Element] List of all elements in the window and container elements in the window


Re-enables window to take user input after having it be Disabled previously



Enables the internal debugger. By default, the debugger IS enabled



Adds new rows to an existing container element inside of this window If the container is a scrollable Column, you need to also call the contents_changed() method


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
container Frame or Column or Tab The container Element the layout will be placed inside of
rows (List[List[Element]]) The layout to be added
RETURN Window (Window) self so could be chained


Fill in elements that are input fields with data based on a 'values dictionary'


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
values_dict (Dict[Any, Any]) - {Element_key : value} pairs
RETURN Window returns self so can be chained with other methods


Use this method to cause your layout to built into a real tkinter window. In reality this method is like Read(timeout=0). It doesn't block and uses your layout to create tkinter widgets to represent the elements. Lots of action!


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN Window Returns 'self' so that method "Chaining" can happen (read up about it as it's very cool!)


Find element object associated with the provided key. THIS METHOD IS NO LONGER NEEDED to be called by the user

You can perform the same operation by writing this statement: element = window[key]

You can drop the entire "find_element" function name and use [ ] instead.

However, if you wish to perform a lookup without error checking, and don't have error popups turned off globally, you'll need to make this call so that you can disable error checks on this call.

find_element is typically used in combination with a call to element's update method (or any other element method!): window[key].update(new_value)

Versus the "old way" window.FindElement(key).Update(new_value)

This call can be abbreviated to any of these: find_element = FindElement == Element == Find With find_element being the PEP8 compliant call that should be used.

Rememeber that this call will return None if no match is found which may cause your code to crash if not checked for.

    silent_on_error = False,
    supress_guessing = None,
    supress_raise = None

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
key str or int or tuple or object Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element
silent_on_error bool False If True do not display popup nor print warning of key errors
supress_guessing (bool or None) None Override for the global key guessing setting.
supress_raise (bool or None) None Override for the global setting that determines if a key error should raise an exception
RETURN Element or ErrorElement or None Return value can be: the Element that matches the supplied key if found; an Error Element if silent_on_error is False; None if silent_on_error True


Returns the Element that currently has focus as reported by tkinter. If no element is found None is returned!


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN Element or None An Element if one has been found with focus or None if no element found


Forces this window to take focus



Returns the current scaling value set for this window


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN float Scaling according to tkinter. Returns DEFAULT_SCALING if error


Get the screen dimensions. NOTE - you must have a window already open for this to work (blame tkinter not me)


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN Tuple[None, None] or Tuple[width, height] Tuple containing width and height of screen in pixels


This is a class method (implements the @classmethod decorator).

This is a "Class Method" meaning you call it by writing: width, height = Window.get_screen_size() Returns the size of the "screen" as determined by tkinter. This can vary depending on your operating system and the number of monitors installed on your system. For Windows, the primary monitor's size is returns. On some multi-monitored Linux systems, the monitors are combined and the total size is reported as if one screen.

To call the method without creating an instance of the object:

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN (int, int) Size of the screen in pixels as determined by tkinter


Turns off Grab Anywhere functionality AFTER a window has been created. Don't try on a window that's not yet been Finalized or Read.



Turns on Grab Anywhere functionality AFTER a window has been created. Don't try on a window that's not yet been Finalized or Read.



Hides the window from the screen and the task bar



Returns True is the window is maybe closed. Can be difficult to tell sometimes NOTE - the call to TKroot.update was taking over 500 ms sometimes so added a flag to bypass the lengthy call.

    quick_check = None

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
quick_quick bool If True, then don't use the root.update call, only check the flags
RETURN bool True if the window was closed or destroyed


Returns True if the window is currently hidden


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN bool Returns True if the window is currently hidden


Clears keep_on_top after a window has been created. Effect is the same as if the window was created with this set.



Sets keep_on_top after a window has been created. Effect is the same as if the window was created with this set. The Window is also brought to the front



Checks to see if this is a good key for this window If there's an element with the key provided, then True is returned


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
key str or int or tuple or object The key to check
RETURN bool True if key is an element in this window


The last known location of the window (x,y). Set by config events from tkinter


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN (int, int) The last location of the window


Second of two preferred ways of telling a Window what its layout is. The other way is to pass the layout as a parameter to Window object. The parameter method is the currently preferred method. This call to Layout has been removed from examples contained in documents and in the Demo Programs. Trying to remove this call from history and replace with sending as a parameter to Window.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
rows List[List[Elements]] Your entire layout
RETURN Window self so that you can chain method calls


Restore values from a previous call to SaveToDisk which saves the returned values dictionary in Pickle format


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
filename str Pickle Filename to load


Makes a window into a "Modal Window" This means user will not be able to interact with other windows until this one is closed

NOTE - Sorry Mac users - you can't have modal windows.... lobby your tkinter Mac devs



Maximize the window. This is done differently on a windows system versus a linux or mac one. For non-Windows the root attribute '-fullscreen' is set to True. For Windows the "root" state is changed to "zoomed" The reason for the difference is the title bar is removed in some cases when using fullscreen option



Minimize this window to the task bar



Return the (x,y) location of the mouse relative to the entire screen. It's the same location that you would use to create a window, popup, etc.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN (int, int) The location of the mouse pointer


Move the upper left corner of this window to the x,y coordinates provided


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
x int x coordinate in pixels
y int y coordinate in pixels


Recenter your window after it's been moved or the size changed.

This is a conveinence method. There are no tkinter calls involved, only pure PySimpleGUI API calls.



Restore a window to a non-maximized state. Does different things depending on platform. See Maximize for more.



Call your function that will take a long time to execute. When it's complete, send an event specified by the end_key.

Starts a thread on your behalf.

This is a way for you to "ease into" threading without learning the details of threading. Your function will run, and when it returns 2 things will happen: 1. The value you provide for end_key will be returned to you when you call window.read() 2. If your function returns a value, then the value returned will also be included in your windows.read call in the values dictionary

IMPORTANT - This method uses THREADS... this means you CANNOT make any PySimpleGUI calls from the function you provide with the exception of one function, Window.write_event_value.

    end_key = None

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
end_key (Any or None) None Optional key that will be generated when the function returns
func Any A lambda or a function name with no parms
RETURN threading.Thread The id of the thread


THE biggest deal method in the Window class! This is how you get all of your data from your Window. Pass in a timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for a maximum of timeout milliseconds. Will return timeout_key if no other GUI events happen first.

    timeout = None,
    timeout_key = "__TIMEOUT__",
    close = False

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
close bool False if True the window will be closed prior to returning
timeout int None Milliseconds to wait until the Read will return IF no other GUI events happen first
timeout_key Any TIMEOUT The value that will be returned from the call if the timer expired
RETURN Tuple[(Any), Dict[Any, Any], List[Any], None] (event, values)


Causes a window previously made to "Disappear" (using that method). Does this by restoring the alpha channel



Refreshes the window by calling tkroot.update(). Can sometimes get away with a refresh instead of a Read. Use this call when you want something to appear in your Window immediately (as soon as this function is called). If you change an element in a window, your change will not be visible until the next call to Window.read or a call to Window.refresh()


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN Window self so that method calls can be easily "chained"


Saves the values contained in each of the input areas of the form. Basically saves what would be returned from a call to Read. It takes these results and saves them to disk using pickle. Note that every element in your layout that is to be saved must have a key assigned to it.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
filename str Filename to save the values to in pickled form


Saves an image of the PySimpleGUI window provided into the filename provided

    filename = None

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN (PIL.ImageGrab or None) A PIL ImageGrab object that can be saved or manipulated


Pushes this window to the bottom of the stack of windows. It is the opposite of BringToFront



Sets the Alpha Channel for a window. Values are between 0 and 1 where 0 is completely transparent


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
alpha float 0 to 1. 0 is completely transparent. 1 is completely visible and solid (can't see through)


Sets the cursor for the window. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none"


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
cursor str The tkinter cursor name


Changes the icon that is shown on the title bar and on the task bar. NOTE - The file type is IMPORTANT and depends on the OS! Can pass in: * filename which must be a .ICO icon file for windows, PNG file for Linux * bytes object * BASE64 encoded file held in a variable

    icon = None,
    pngbase64 = None

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
icon str None Filename or bytes object
pngbase64 bytes None Base64 encoded image


Changes the minimum size of the window. Note Window must be read or finalized first.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
size (int, int) (width, height) tuple (int, int) of the desired window size in pixels


Changes if a window can be resized in either the X or the Y direction. Note Window must be read or finalized first.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
x_axis_enable bool If True, the window can be changed in the X-axis direction. If False, it cannot
y_axis_enable bool If True, the window can be changed in the Y-axis direction. If False, it cannot


Changes the size of the window, if possible. You can also use the Window.size prooerty to set/get the size.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
size (int, int) (width, height) of the desired window size


Change the title of the window


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
title str The string to set the title to


Set the color that will be transparent in your window. Areas with this color will be SEE THROUGH.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
color str Color string that defines the transparent color


Reads settings and sets the window's Elements to those values.

TODO - NOTE - may have trouble on some elements due to how update calls work



Saves settings to settings file using the values dictionary that is passed in.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
values Dict Dictionary of values to potentially save


This method is an alias for perform_long_operation


Returns a list of currently active timers for a window


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN List[int] List of timers for the window


Starts a timer that gnerates Timer Events. The default is to repeat the timer events until timer is stopped. You can provide your own key or a default key will be used. The default key is defined with the constants EVENT_TIMER or TIMER_KEY. They both equal the same value. The values dictionary will contain the timer ID that is returned from this function.

    key = "__TIMER EVENT__",
    repeating = True

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
frequency_ms int How often to generate timer events in milliseconds
key str or int or tuple or object TIMER EVENT Key to be returned as the timer event
repeating bool True If True then repeat timer events until timer is explicitly stopped
RETURN int Timer ID for the timer


Stops a timer with a given ID


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
timer_id int Timer ID of timer to stop


Stops all timers for THIS window



Used to bring back a window that was previously hidden using the Hide method



Used to remove tkinter events to a Window. This implementation removes ALL of the binds of the bind_string from the Window. If there are multiple binds for the Window itself, they will all be removed. This can be extended later if there is a need.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
bind_string str The string tkinter expected in its bind function


When making an element in a column or someplace that has a scrollbar, then you'll want to call this function prior to the column's contents_changed() method.



Returns True if the window was closed


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN bool True if the window is closed


Returns the element that matches a supplied tkinter widget. If no matching element is found, then None is returned.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN Element or None Element that uses the specified widget


Adds a key & value tuple to the queue that is used by threads to communicate with the window


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
key Any The key that will be returned as the event when reading the window
value Any The value that will be in the values dictionary