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Menus are nothing more than buttons that live in a menu-bar. When you click on a menu item, you get back a "button" with that menu item's text, just as you would had that text been on a button.

Menu's are defined separately from the GUI window. To add one to your window, simply insert sg.Menu(menu_layout). The menu definition is a list of menu choices and submenus. They are a list of lists. Copy the Recipe and play with it. You'll eventually get when you're looking for.

If you double click the dashed line at the top of the list of choices, that menu will tear off and become a floating toolbar. How cool! To enable this feature, set the parameter tearoff=True in your call to sg.Menu()

tear off

    import PySimpleGUI as sg      

    sg.set_options(element_padding=(0, 0))      

    # ------ Menu Definition ------ #      
    menu_def = [['File', ['Open', 'Save', 'Exit'  ]],      
                ['Edit', ['Paste', ['Special', 'Normal', ], 'Undo'], ],      
                ['Help', 'About...'], ]      

    # ------ GUI Defintion ------ #      
    layout = [      
        [sg.Menu(menu_def, )],      
        [sg.Output(size=(60, 20))]      

    window = sg.Window("Windows-like program", layout, default_element_size=(12, 1), auto_size_text=False, auto_size_buttons=False,      
                       default_button_element_size=(12, 1))      

    # ------ Loop & Process button menu choices ------ #      
    while True:      
        event, values = window.read()      
        if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit':      
        print('Button = ', event)      
        # ------ Process menu choices ------ #      
        if event == 'About...':      
            sg.popup('About this program', 'Version 1.0', 'PySimpleGUI rocks...')      
        elif event == 'Open':      
            filename = sg.popup_get_file('file to open', no_window=True)      