Application-wide Configuration / Settings
Sets the icon which will be used any time a window is created if an icon is not provided when the window is created.
Parameter Descriptions
Name | Type | Default | Description |
icon | bytes or str | Either a Base64 byte string or a filename |
icon = None,
button_color = None,
element_size = (None, None),
button_element_size = (None, None),
margins = (None, None),
element_padding = (None, None),
auto_size_text = None,
auto_size_buttons = None,
font = None,
border_width = None,
slider_border_width = None,
slider_relief = None,
slider_orientation = None,
autoclose_time = None,
message_box_line_width = None,
progress_meter_border_depth = None,
progress_meter_style = None,
progress_meter_relief = None,
progress_meter_color = None,
progress_meter_size = None,
text_justification = None,
background_color = None,
element_background_color = None,
text_element_background_color = None,
input_elements_background_color = None,
input_text_color = None,
scrollbar_color = None,
text_color = None,
element_text_color = None,
debug_win_size = (None, None),
window_location = (None, None),
tooltip_time = None
Parameter Descriptions
Name | Type | Default | Description |
auto_size_buttons | bool | None | True if Buttons in this Window should be sized to exactly fit the text on this. |
auto_size_text | bool | None | True if the Widget should be shrunk to exactly fit the number of chars to show |
autoclose_time | ??? | None | ??? |
background_color | str | None | color of background |
border_width | int | None | width of border around element |
button_color | (str, str) or str | None | Color of the button (text, background) |
button_element_size | (int, int) | (None, None) | Size of button |
debug_win_size | (int, int) | (None, None) | window size |
element_background_color | str | None | element background color |
element_padding | (int, int or (int, int),(int,int)) | (None, None) | Default amount of padding to put around elements in window (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) |
element_size | (int, int) | (None, None) | element size (width, height) in characters |
element_text_color | str | None | Default color to use for Text elements |
font | (str or (str, int[, str]) or None) | None | specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike |
icon | bytes or str | None | Can be either a filename or Base64 value. For Windows if filename, it MUST be ICO format. For Linux, must NOT be ICO. Most portable is to use a Base64 of a PNG file. This works universally across all OS's |
input_elements_background_color | str | None | Default color to use for the background of input elements |
input_text_color | str | None | Default color to use for the text for Input elements |
margins | (int, int) | (None, None) | (left/right, top/bottom) tkinter margins around outsize. Amount of pixels to leave inside the window's frame around the edges before your elements are shown. |
message_box_line_width | ??? | None | ??? |
progress_meter_border_depth | ??? | None | ??? |
progress_meter_color | ??? | None | ??? |
progress_meter_relief | ??? | None | |
progress_meter_size | ??? | None | ??? |
progress_meter_style | ??? | None | You can no longer set a progress bar style. All ttk styles must be the same for the window |
scrollbar_color | str | None | Default color to use for the slider trough |
slider_border_width | int | None | Width of the border around sliders |
slider_orientation | ??? | None | ??? |
slider_relief | str | None | Type of relief to use for sliders |
text_color | str | None | color of the text |
text_element_background_color | str | None | text element background color |
text_justification | 'left' or 'right' or 'center' | None | Default text justification for all Text Elements in window |
tooltip_time | int | None | time in milliseconds to wait before showing a tooltip. Default is 400ms |
window_location | (int, int) or None | (None, None) | Default location to place windows. Not setting will center windows on the display |
RETURN | None | None |