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Exec APIs - Launching Subprocesses

These API calls are used to launch subprocesses. You can launch Python files or any type of executable file. In these calls is where you invoke the editor and file explorer that was specified in the PySimpleGUI Global Settings.


Runs the specified command as a subprocess. By default the call is non-blocking. The function will immediately return without waiting for the process to complete running. You can use the returned Popen object to communicate with the subprocess and get the results. Returns a subprocess Popen object.

    args = *<1 or N objects>,
    wait = False,
    cwd = None,
    pipe_output = False,
    merge_stderr_with_stdout = True,
    stdin = None

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
*args Any Variable number of arguments that are passed to the program being started as command line parms
command str The command/file to execute. What you would type at a console to run a program or shell command.
cwd str None Working directory to use when executing the subprocess
merge_stderr_with_stdout bool True If True then output from the subprocess stderr will be merged with stdout. The result is ALL output will be on stdout.
pipe_output bool False If True then output from the subprocess will be piped. You MUST empty the pipe by calling execute_get_results or your subprocess will block until no longer full
stdin bool None Value passed to the Popen call. Defaults to subprocess.DEVNULL so that the pyinstaller created executable work correctly
wait bool False If True then wait for the subprocess to finish
RETURN (subprocess.Popen) Popen object


Runs the editor that was configured in the global settings and opens the file to a specific line number. Two global settings keys are used. '-editor program-' the command line used to startup your editor. It's set in the global settings window or by directly manipulating the PySimpleGUI settings object '-editor format string-' a string containing 3 "tokens" that describes the command that is executed

    line_number = None

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
file_to_edit str the full path to the file to edit
line_number int None optional line number to place the cursor
RETURN (subprocess.Popen) or None Popen object


The global settings has a setting called - "-explorer program-" It defines the program to run when this function is called. The optional folder paramter specified which path should be opened.

    folder_to_open = ""

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
folder_to_open str The path to open in the explorer program
RETURN (subprocess.Popen) or None Popen object


Returns the first filename found in a traceback that is not the name of this file (file) Used internally with the debugger for example.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN str filename of the caller, assumed to be the first non PySimpleGUI file


Get the path to the editor based on user settings or on PySimpleGUI's global settings


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN str Path to the editor


Get the text results of a previously executed execute call Returns a tuple of the strings (stdout, stderr)

    timeout = None

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
subprocess_id (subprocess.Popen) a Popen subprocess ID returned from a previous execute call
timeout (None or float) None Time in fractions of a second to wait. Returns '','' if timeout. Default of None means wait forever


Checks to see if a package is installed. Note that currently the interpreter cannot chosen. The check will happen using the currently running version of Python


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
package str The name used on the import statement, NOT the name used to pip install


Returns the newest version number of a package located on PyPI


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
package str Name of the package


Retturns the version number of a given package that has been pip installed. If a window is provided, then the function will run threaded due to a possible long delay. When the thead completes, they key provided in the paramters will be returned as an event and the value will be the version

    interpreter = None,
    window = None,
    key = None

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
interpreter str None The interpreter to use to check. If none specified, then the currently running interpreter is used
key str or int or tuple or object None key that will be sent to Window when operation completes
package str The name of the package to get version of
window Window None Optional Window. If provided, the operation is run as a thread and the results passed to the window as an event
RETURN (str or None) String with the version number or None is package wasn't found or if a window is provided (the return value wiil lbe sent to window)


Pip installs a package using the currently running interpreter

    interpreter = None,
    force_reinstall = False,
    upgrade_pip = False

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
force_reinstall bool False If True package will be uninstalled before installing
interpreter str None The interpreter to use for the install. If none specified, then the currently running interpreter is used
package str The name of the package to install
upgrade_pip bool False If True pip will first be upgraded


Executes a Python file. The interpreter to use is chosen based on this priority order: 1. interpreter_command paramter 2. global setting "-python command-" 3. the interpreter running running PySimpleGUI

    parms = None,
    cwd = None,
    interpreter_command = None,
    wait = False,
    pipe_output = False,
    merge_stderr_with_stdout = True

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
cwd str None the working directory to use
interpreter_command str None the command used to invoke the Python interpreter
merge_stderr_with_stdout bool True If True then output from the subprocess stderr will be merged with stdout. The result is ALL output will be on stdout.
parms str None parameters to pass on the command line
pipe_output bool False If True then output from the subprocess will be piped. You MUST empty the pipe by calling execute_get_results or your subprocess will block until no longer full
pyfile str the file to run
wait bool False the working directory to use
RETURN (subprocess.Popen) or None Popen object


Returns Python Interpreter from the system settings. If none found in the settings file then the currently running interpreter is returned.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN str Full path to python interpreter (uses settings file or sys.executable)


Returns the command that is currently running.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN str Full path to python interpreter (uses sys.executable)


Restarts your program. The currently running process is exited and a new one is started. NOTE - this function calls exit and thus will not return

    parms = ""

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
parms str Parameters to pass to your program when it's restarted
your_filename str Set this parm to file


Returns True is the subprocess ID provided is for a process that is still running


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
subprocess_id (subprocess.Popen) ID previously returned from Exec API calls that indicate this value is returned
RETURN bool True if the subproces is running