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Text documentation

Text - Display some text in the window. Usually this means a single line of text. However, the text can also be multiple lines. If multi-lined there are no scroll bars.

    text = "",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_text = None,
    click_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    relief = None,
    font = None,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    colors = (None, None),
    border_width = None,
    justification = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    grab = None,
    tooltip = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
auto_size_text bool None if True size of the Text Element will be sized to fit the string provided in 'text' parm
background_color str None color of background
border_width int None number of pixels for the border (if using a relief)
click_submits bool False DO NOT USE. Only listed for backwards compat - Use enable_events instead
colors str or str, str (None, None) Optional quick specification of both text and background colors in 1 parameter. If a single color specified, then assumed to be text_color
enable_events bool False Turns on the element specific events. Text events happen when the text is clicked
expand_x bool False If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
expand_y bool False If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
font (str or (str, int[, str]) or None) None specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
grab bool None If True can grab this element and move the window around. Default is False
justification str None how string should be aligned within space provided by size. Valid choices = left, right, center
k str or int or tuple or object None Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
key str or int or tuple or object None Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
metadata Any None User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING
p (int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int None Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
pad (int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int None Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
relief str None relief style around the text. Values are same as progress meter relief values. Should be a constant that is defined at starting with RELIEF - RELIEF_RAISED, RELIEF_SUNKEN, RELIEF_FLAT, RELIEF_RIDGE, RELIEF_GROOVE, RELIEF_SOLID
right_click_menu List[List[ List[str] or str ]] None A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
s (int, int) or (int, None) or (None, None) or (int, ) or int (None, None) Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
size (int, int) or (int, None) or (None, None) or (int, ) or int (None, None) (w, h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high. If an int instead of a tuple is supplied, then height is auto-set to 1
text Any The text to display. Can include /n to achieve multiple lines. Will convert (optional) parameter into a string
text_color str None color of the text
tooltip str None text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
visible bool True set visibility state of the element

Class Properties



Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN Any The window's Key


Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN Any the current metadata value


Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN bool Visibility state for element


Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN (tkinter.Widget) The element's underlying tkinter widget

Class Methods

 def bind
 def block_focus
 def char_height_in_pixels
 def char_width_in_pixels
 def expand
 def fonts_installed_list
 def get
 def get_next_focus
 def get_previous_focus
 def get_size
 def grab_anywhere_exclude
 def grab_anywhere_include
 def hide_row
 def print
 def remove_tooltip
 def save_element_screenshot_to_disk
 def set_cursor
 def set_focus
 def set_hscroll_position
 def set_right_click_menu
 def set_size
 def set_tooltip
 def set_vscroll_position
 def string_width_in_pixels
 def unbind
 def unhide_row
 def update


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
bind_string str The string tkinter expected in its bind function
key_modifier str Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
propagate bool True If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

    block = True

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
block bool True if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


This is a class method (implements the @classmethod decorator).

Get the height of a string if using the supplied font in pixels. Cannot be used until a window has been created. If an error occurs, 0 will be returned

To call the method without creating an instance of the object:

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
font (str or (str, int[, str]) or None) specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike, to be measured
RETURN int Height in pixels of "A"


This is a class method (implements the @classmethod decorator).

Get the with of the character "W" in pixels for the font being passed in or the character of your choosing if "W" is not a good representative character. Cannot be used until a window has been created. If an error occurs, 0 will be returned

    character = "W"
To call the method without creating an instance of the object:
    character = "W"

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
character str W specifies a SINGLE CHARACTER character to measure
font (str or (str, int[, str]) or None) specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike, to be measured
RETURN int Width in pixels of "A"


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
expand_row bool True If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row
expand_x bool False If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
expand_y bool False If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions


This is a class method (implements the @classmethod decorator).

Returns a list of strings that tkinter reports as the installed fonts

To call the method without creating an instance of the object:

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN List[str] List of the installed font names


Gets the current value of the displayed text


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN str The current value


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN Element Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN Element Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN (int, int) width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



Print like Python normally prints except route the output to a multiline element and also add colors if desired

colors -(str, str) or str. A combined text/background color definition in a single parameter

There are also "aliases" for text_color, background_color and colors (t, b, c) t - An alias for color of the text (makes for shorter calls) b - An alias for the background_color parameter c - (str, str) - "shorthand" way of specifying color. (foreground, backgrouned) c - str - can also be a string of the format "foreground on background" ("white on red")

With the aliases it's possible to write the same print but in more compact ways: cprint('This will print white text on red background', c=('white', 'red')) cprint('This will print white text on red background', c='white on red') cprint('This will print white text on red background', text_color='white', background_color='red') cprint('This will print white text on red background', t='white', b='red')

    args = *<1 or N objects>,
    end = None,
    sep = None,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    justification = None,
    font = None,
    colors = None,
    t = None,
    b = None,
    c = None,
    autoscroll = True,
    append = True

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
args Any The arguments to print
autoscroll bool True If True the contents of the element will automatically scroll as more data added to the end
b str None The background color of the line
background_color str None The background color of the line
c str or str, str None Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors or just tex color (same as the color parm)
colors str or str, str None Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors. Or just the text color
end str None The end char to use just like print uses
font (str or (str, int[, str]) or None) None specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike for the args being printed
justification str None text justification. left, right, center. Can use single characters l, r, c. Sets only for this value, not entire element
sep str None The separation character like print uses
t str None Color of the text
text_color str None The color of the text


Removes a previiously created tooltip for an element



Saves an image of the PySimpleGUI window provided into the filename provided

    filename = None

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
RETURN (PIL.ImageGrab or None) A PIL ImageGrab object that can be saved or manipulated


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

    cursor = None,
    cursor_color = None

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
cursor str None The tkinter cursor name
cursor_color str None color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

    force = False

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
force bool False if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Attempts to set the horizontal scroll postition for an element's Widget


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
percent_from_left float From 0 to 1.0, the percentage from the left to move scrollbar to


Sets a right click menu for an element. If a menu is already set for the element, it will call the tkinter destroy method to remove it

    menu = None

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
menu List[List[ List[str] or str ]] None A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

    size = (None, None)

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
size (int, int) (None, None) The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
tooltip_text str or None the text to show in tooltip. If None then no tip will be shown


Attempts to set the vertical scroll postition for an element's Widget


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
percent_from_top float From 0 to 1.0, the percentage from the top to move scrollbar to


This is a class method (implements the @classmethod decorator).

Get the with of the supplied string in pixels for the font being passed in. If an error occurs, 0 will be returned

To call the method without creating an instance of the object:

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
font (str or (str, int[, str]) or None) specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike, to be measured
string str the string to measure
RETURN int Width in pixels of string


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
bind_string str The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Text Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call window.read or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

    value = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    font = None,
    visible = None

Parameter Descriptions

Name Type Default Description
background_color str None color of background
font (str or (str, int[, str]) or None) None specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
text_color str None color of the text
value Any None new text to show
visible bool None set visibility state of the element